I swore I'd never play it. The communities were too juvenile. It was akin to rooting for the Yankees or the Lakers. My machine wasn't powerful enough to run it well (at the time, that was too true). Playing WoW would suck the life away from me.
And yet now I have a Palladin for me, a level 1 warrior as a dedicated auction house alt, and a Hunter to go leveling w/my wife, who elected to play a Mage.
The community isn't as bad as I thought and I have a nice new pretty beefy machine to run the program. I do feel a little dirty playing it, though...I've never been a big fan of being a part of an evil empire-ish organization or team, and I do feel a touch bad about leaving my old game. Ragnarok has had a fantastic run, though, and after 6-7 strong years it's really coming towards the end of its life. As for it sucking the life out of us?
My wife said she wanted to play but was hesitant because she didn't want to become addicted to the game (something, by her own admission, she can fall into with video games pretty easily). I said I wouldn't allow it to cut into her reading or her love of books. The result? She's actually been reading more than she has in a long time, and I'm actually reading at all. We've travelled enough in the past few months to have already earned a free night, which we'll be redeeming in May when we head south to TucSuck for a couple days. Sucked the life out of us? Not at all.
If you WoW it up, drop me a line sometime and let me know what server you're on!