Thursday, March 20, 2008

Better to remain silent

People blog for many reasons, I 'spose. We started blogging as an easy means of communicating to our related communities what's going on in our lives. I jumped on as something of an experimental, bandwagon blogger and just kept on going, picking up some fairly loyal readers and friends along the way. I use it now mainly to vent thoughts of all types, silly to serious, mundane to insightful.

Blogs are what I'd call "huge"now, and influence politics, sports, and all other sorts of opinions that don't matter...and some that probably do. One area I wish there wouldn't be a blog is the online newspaper *sigh*

Not all that long ago AZRepublic started allowing readers to register w/their site and post blogs. That's not so bad, but it also allows them to comment on the articles directly after the articles. What this has led to is the idiot-with-a-microphone syndrome on the masses. For those that haven't experienced what I'm talking about, when you give an idiot a microphone, typically one of the first things they do is prove their idiocracy by saying something into the microphone, be it gibberish or some stupid comment (are those two really qualitatively different?) at a louder-than-normal volume which then gets amplified even more by the mic so that you can't really ignore it.

These posts are the cyber-equivalent of shouts of gibberish into a microphone.

As an example, the following message was posted after an article discussing potential cancer-causing health concerns at a local high school (at least five teachers and multiple other students have developed brain tumors in the past 7-9 years; others have had unexplainable respiratory problems; mold and CO gas are present):

"Don't doubt it from Corona. Crappy school in the 80's, guess it hasn't changed much. Tempe High all the way."

WTH??? Is this guy Uncle Rico or something??? What does the school potentially being "crappy" twenty years ago have anything to do w/their health concerns, and how does Tempe High potentially being better relate to that? Maybe this is his way of saying San Dimas football rules?

I don't claim to be smarter than the folks that post such things (although I probably am and, if you're reading this, chances are you are, too), and I don't claim that my opinions are always right (unless my opinion happens to be contrary to that of my nemesis, in which case I'm right by default). I just don't want to be within eyeshot or earshot of such stupidity. If you don't like my blog, fine. Don't read it. But I need to read the news somewhere, and it already has enough bias/spin. Please don't make it worse by proving you have equal or less intellect than Bill and Ted.

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