Saturday, September 8, 2007

The Blog Title

A Boy and his Sword.

It's simple, really.

The Boy is me. I'm a guy, yes. A male. But for me to call myself a man just sounds weird. I play with nerf dartguns at work. I enjoy video games. I get excited about explosions. Cars and football and most other sports are cool. So are UFC fights. I attend gaming and anime conventions. Most of this isn't stereotypical rugged "man" stuff.

I'm also something of a boy in my spirituality again. I once was strong but I allowed my muscles to atrophy. I've been slowly building them back up for a while and have re-entered the ranks of youth ministry (although it still sounds funny for me to say that the college group is a "youth" ministry...then again, frequently the guys in the dorm acted like jr. high kids so maybe it's not so far away).

As for the Sword, that's scripture. "...the word of The Spirit, which is The Word of God." Through the majority of my schooling I was fairly strong in my faith. I dare not say I was a "good Christian" (I don't know the meaning of the *almost* seems like an oxymoron) but I was most certainly at peace with my Maker. After a period of being kicked around for a while I started returning my attentions towards my faith, and in doing so it was like I was an old knight wielding his sword for the first time in decades - it felt a bit heavy in my hand and weilding it was awkward, but memories fled back into my mind along with a rememberance of how I used to use it...and will come to use it again.

It's not that I've forgotten how to use, read, or study the Bible - to the contrary, that knowledge never left. It's the extended bible software and concordances and other such references...along with the proper application/interpretation of scripture that is a bit rusty. That's alright, though. Fortunately scripture is for everyone, not just those that "know" how to use it. Heck, sometimes I wonder if those less formally trained aren't actually better able to understand scripture, anyway. The more we "know," the more we tend to lean on that knowledge; but I think it's the Holy Spirit, not our brains, that is the real key.

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