Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The order of things

Jack Bauer may save the world sometimes, but Jason Bourne saves Jack Bauer. Don't ask me which is better or cooler...that's like asking if the NSX or 300ZX twin turbo is better. You'd take either and like it.

I saw the Bourne trilogy in its entirety this past weekend and was pretty impressed. Good action, good plot, good acting. Over the top, granted, but what modern action/spy movie isn't? That's part of the fun of it.

Bourne is incredible, as are the rest of the "Assets." Independent, creative, brilliant, stealthy killing machines. Simply amazing. If I were going to be an assassin, I'd want to be like that, sans amnesia. Oh, and throw in some throwing knives or a bow and arrow or something...some kind of long distance silent killing method.

Jack Bauer is definitely cool and definitely a killa, but Jason Bourne and the Bourne trilogy is more my speed.

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